Thursday, June 20, 2019

Theology 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theology 2 - Essay ExampleIt is harder to keep the distinction in the midst of Catholic and Protestant, or between Christian and Jewish, between Judeo-Christian and such interests as the retrieval of Goddess religion, simply because there is so much shared among women, even in rite, beyond institutional divisions.In treating of sacrament, mainstay parole Dictionary theology, as a form of liberation theology, is concerned with fundamental views of reality and with the shaping of views and practices by patriarchy. To elaborate a radically red-hot way of thinking about and celebrating sacraments, it addresses the critique of ideologies, the retrieval of what has been hidden or submerged, the critique of language and ritual behavior, and praxis. Reutilization, participation, and observation belong together, precisely because Anchor Bible Dictionary theologys trying not simply to understand what sacrament is or how it works, but to discover what it might become when freed from ideolog ies, opened to innovative inspiration, encompassing new experiences, and nourished by new memories.First, the concern is with ritual action and symbolic language that within communities revitalize the Christian tradition from a Anchor Bible Dictionary perspective and draw upon it even while drawing on other religious traditions. Second, while writers often treat of the church in a comprehensive way and look to a future of celebration within communities of equal discipleship, there is a very particular venue of discourse that is Women-Church or a community of women giving voice and role to women. The foundations of reflective discourse are posited in creative ritual act, through what whizz might call the process of reutilization par excellence.Quite interestingly, most of the specific French contribution to an understanding of sacrament does not come from theological literary works but from Anchor Bible Dictionarys, such as Julia Kristina, who are interested in religious express ion as

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